美國山東總商會,亦稱美國山東商會或ASCC,是於2011年10月3日在加利福尼亞州註冊的非營利性公益組織(加州公司號碼:C3417323)。“美國山東總商會 Shandong Chamber of Commerce of America” 是ASCC向美國商務部專利商標局(USPTO)報審的聯邦服務商標,申請號是85550278。“美國山東商會 American Shandong Chamber of Commerce ” 也是ASCC向USPTO報審的聯邦服務商標,申請號是85550266。ASCC是上述商標的實際使用者和擁有者。未經ASCC之書面許可,任何使用上述商標者,均有冒商標侵權之危險。如發現侵權者,ASCC將向美國聯邦法院遞交商標侵權訴訟。特此聲明!
“American Shandong Chamber of Commerce”, also known as and doing business as “Shandong Chamber of Commerce of America” or ASCC, is a non-profit public benefit organization incorporated in the State of California on October 3, 2011 with a California Corporation No. C3417323. “美國山東總商會 Shandong Chamber of Commerce of America” is a service mark which was filed with US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) with an application number 85550278. “美國山東商會 American Shandong Chamber of Commerce” is also a service mark which was filed with USPTO with an application number 85550266. Both of these service marks are owned and actually used by ASCC. Anyone who uses the service marks identified above without a written permission from ASCC may have a risk of trademark infringement. As soon as the infringer is identified, ASCC shall file a trademark infringement action with US Federal Court. It is so declared.
祝 良(Leon E. Jew, Esq.)
ASCC 法律顧問 (ASCC’s General Counsel)
5776 Stoneridge Mall Rd. Suite 288
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-3288 Tel.
(925) 463-32188 Fax